Does mental health needs vary as we grow from pediatrics to adults to elderly? Results from a study in Dubai, 2016


  • Kadhim Alabady Dubai Health Authority (DHA), United Arab Emirates



Purpose: To Provide a baseline of the current picture of major mental health challenges among men and women of different ages in Dubai. which can then be used to measure the impact of interventions or service development.

Method: In order to carry out the mental health needs assessment we applied qualitative and quantitative methodology.

Results: * The prevalence of people who suffer from different types of mental disorders remains largely unknown, many men and are unwilling to seek professional help because of lack of awareness or the stigma attached to it.

* According to the Dubai Household Health Survey DHHS (2009) 14.5% of respondents reported moderate to severe depressive symptoms over a 2-week period.

* It was predicted in 2014 that there would be 37,933 people suffering from psychotic disorders of which 29,747 were males.

* It is estimated there would be 19,117 adults between the ages of 20 and 64 years with ASD in Dubai for 2014.

*It was estimated around 548 residents in Dubai aged 60 years or more in 2014 had dementia (of which 338 were men).

Recommendations: * Work is required with primary health care in order to identify men with undiagnosed mental illnesses. Further work is undertaken within primary health care to assess disease registries with the aim of helping GP practices to improve their disease registers.

* It is important to conduct local psychiatric morbidity surveys in Dubai to obtain data and assess the prevalence of essential mental health symptoms and conditions.

* Continuum of care - a significant gap in the services for adults once they diagnosed with mental disorder.)


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